Reader Nation!
Happy Spring! At least, that's what we're having down here in The South. And, boy oh boy, am I happy to have spring. At school I give the students the afternoon weather report before we go outside for recess, reciting the temperature and describing the cloud cover although they are perfectly capable of turning their heads to the right and looking out the window. The weather report comes immediately prior to the recommendation of outerwear. The whole spiel goes something like this:
It's 62 degrees and partly cloudy outside right now. If you are a warm person, and plan to play something active, you might not need your jacket. If you are a cold person like me, I recommend you bring it with you, just in case.
As soon as we step out the door, the moment of truth is upon us. I am typically barraged by the Line Leader and Door Holder, who, as they grow increasingly confident with the passing of the year, turn to me incredulously and utter some variance of "Are you seriously cold?" and I say, "No, I'm comfortable" as I zip my coat up to my chin and burrow my hands in my pockets.
All of this is to say that there was one day this week when we walked outside and I took off my jacket. The kids just about lost it. "SUMMER IS HERE!" they yelled, "SUMMERRRR! EVEN THE COLD PEOPLE AREN'T COLD ANYMORE!"
Spring is a beautiful thing.
Not to mention all of the Red Bud trees, Tulip trees, and dogwoods all around the neighborhood. And yesterday the crocus hadn't bloomed yet. But guess what happened today?
Before all of these blooms started blooming, it was just kinda cold here in The South. So, in honor of Leap Year weekend...
... I took a trip to Miami with Ashley. I had a feeling that it was going to be a good trip, but that feeling was only fostered by the luck I encountered on the flight down. Was able to stow my carry-on two rows in front of me, for maximum ease in deplaning. Then, I was sitting in my seat on the plane for the moment of truth, clutching the silver buckles in each hand. Click, and cinch. Validation that although I have not tried to touch my toes in 2016, I am still at least slightly thinner than the person who sat in this plane seat before me. It's the little things.
And then, we got to the Marseilles, and were greeted by an oh-so Miami hotel room.
Here's the rest of the trip!
Which brings me to the recommendations for this week. Friends! And sunscreen.
Until Next Time,